Forecast valid from: 12:00, Thursday 12 September 2024 until 12:00, Friday 13 September 2024
Ireland lies in a mostly moderate northwest air-flow generated by low pressure (981hPa) in the Norwegian Sea and high pressure (1033hPa) in the mid-Atlantic.
Heavy Swell (>4m) : Nil
Wind: Northerly force 3 or 4 imminent, soon decreasing northerly or variable force 3 or less. Later backing southwest and increasing force 4 or 5 by the end of the period.
Weather: Fair with isolated showers. Later becoming cloudy with rain and drizzle.
Visibility: Good, moderate in any precipitation.
Wind: Northerly force 4 or 5, soon decreasing force 3 or 4. Later decreasing westerly or variable force 2 to 4.
Weather: Fair with isolated showers.
Visibility: Good, moderate in showers.
Southwest winds increasing moderate to fresh on Friday evening, reaching strong to near gale force in the west and northwest. Weather: Cloudy with rain, drizzle and mist in the west and north, spreading eastwards on Friday night.
Forecast issued at: 12:00, Thursday 12 September 2024
All times are local unless specified