Dublin - Today's Forecast
Time | Type | Temperature | Wind Direction & Speed | Rain |
22:00 | 9°C | South-Easterly 15km/h | 0.4mm | |
23:00 | 9°C | South-Easterly 15km/h | 0.1mm |
Post-processed data from Numerical Weather Prediction models is used to display the weather type, air temperature, wind speed and direction and the accumulated rainfall; in hourly intervals for the first 48 hours, before changing to 6 hour intervals for up to 7 days. The weather type is deduced from the different weather parameters. This data should be viewed as a guideline only.
Dublin - 7 Day Outlook
The outlook gives the main weather type, temperature (°C), wind speed (km/h) and direction for today (times may vary), midnight tonight and then midday for the next 6 days.