
Met Éireann is a line division of the Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage. Click the image below to view the latest strategy statement.

Image is front cover of DHLGH Statement of Strategy 2025 - 2025. Image links to strategy PDF on DHLGH website

Met Éireann Strategic Plan 2024-2034

Click the image to download and view the strategy in PDF format

Click the image to download and view the strategy in PDF format

Met Éireann Strategic Goals - please see text in following sections for more details.

Our vision

Ready for Change – preparing Ireland for changing weather and climate

Our goals

Goal 1     Support multi-hazard, impact-based decision making for weather and flooding events.

Goal 2     Deliver user-oriented climate services to support national response and resilience to climate change impacts.

Goal 3     Provide an effective authoritative voice and strategic leadership on weather and climate in Ireland.

Goal 4     Enhance scientific excellence and innovation to provide the most reliable services for society and to support an enterprise environment for weather, flood and climate services.

Goal 5     Augment our science-based technology and infrastructure to enable the provision of highest quality weather, flood and climate services.

Goal 6     Retain and grow a professional, highly skilled, and expert workforce with sustainability at the heart of how we work.