National Forecast
17 February 2025 05:20
Today - Monday 17th February
Cloudy today with scattered falls of rain and drizzle. Rain will be heaviest and most persistent in the south and west with the possibility of spot flooding. Much of the eastern half of the country will hold dry until later in the evening. Highest temperatures of 5 to 11 degrees, coolest in Ulster and mildest in Munster. Breezy in a moderate to fresh and gusty southeast wind, strong at times near coasts.
Tonight - Monday 17th February
Wet and breezy weather will persist for much of the night with mist in places. Lowest temperatures of 4 to 9 degrees in a fresh southeast wind.
Tomorrow - Tuesday 18th February
A wet start with further scattered outbreaks of rain and drizzle. Rain will clear northwards during the morning and afternoon. Fresh southeast winds will persist through the day though. Highest temperatures of 7 to 12 degrees, mildest for the west and southwest.
OUTLOOK: Remaining unsettled with frequent wet and breezy spells.
Tuesday night: Cloudy and mostly dry to start. However, rain in the southwest will extend northeastwards through the night. The rain will gradually clear from the west and southwest with some clear spells developing. Lowest temperatures of 4 to 9 degrees, coldest for Ulster. Moderate to fresh southeast winds will ease light to moderate southerly.
Wednesday: Mostly cloudy with some sunny spells for a time in the morning. However, showery outbreaks of rain will develop in the southwest in the late morning, extending across the country through the rest of the day. Highest temperatures of 11 to 13 degrees in mostly moderate, occasionally fresh southerly winds.
Wednesday night: Widespread showery rain, heavy in places, will clear northeastwards. Towards morning, another spell of rain will push into the west and southwest. Temperatures will not fall below 7 to 10 degrees. Southerly winds will be mostly moderate but will freshen towards morning.
Thursday: Cloudy and breezy in the morning with heavy or thundery outbreaks of rain extending eastwards bringing localised flooding. The rain will then clear eastwards for the afternoon with sunny spells and showers following. The showers will become more isolated in the evening as cloud builds from the southwest. Highest temperatures of 11 to 14 degrees in fresh to strong and gusty south to southwest winds, decreasing moderate to fresh for a time later.
Friday: Widespread rain at first with localised flooding possible. The rain will clear eastwards through the afternoon with sunny spells and scattered showers following. Highest afternoon temperatures of 9 to 13 degrees in mostly moderate to fresh southwest winds.